By Humberto J. Rocha (March 7, 2022, 9:11 PM EST) — Mexico is doubling down on its bid to vacate a nearly $50 million award issued to a Canadian lender after an international tribunal ruled that it had been denied justice in Mexican courts, arguing that the tribunal had rejected the “literal reading” of the law in the case.
In a brief filed Friday in D.C. federal court, Mexico contended that the international tribunal had exceeded its authority by not applying Article 1105 of the North American Free Trade Agreement as intended when it ruled in favor of Canadian enterprise Lion Mexico Consolidated LP. That NAFTA provision, Mexico claims, only protects the…
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TAPACHULA, Mexico -- A new group of about 2,000 migrants set out walking Monday in southern Mexico with the goal of reaching the United States. The group started...
By EDGAR H. CLEMENTE, Associated PressTAPACHULA, Mexico — A new group of about 2,000 migrants set out walking Monday in southern Mexico with the goal of reaching the...
On 27 June, authorities discovered an abandoned tractor-trailer outside of San Antonio, Texas, filled with dead people smuggled from Mexico and Central America. Fifty-three migrants would ultimately die...
Six people were shot dead at a drug rehabilitation center near the western Mexican city of Guadalajara, authorities said Monday.Five men and one woman were killed in the...
Sky-high US prices have led some American motorists to make a previously unheard-of trip across the border to fill up their tanks with cheaper gas in Mexico, according...