Have you ever attempted to make collections on accounts for your business on your own? How about this one – have you ever hired a person or two to do that job for you? How was the rate of success? If you are a typical small business, chances are you did not get very far. Many small businesses have this sort of trouble and many of them will hire a collections attorney to do this dirty work for them. However, many business owners resist. After all, they already do not have all their money. To spend more seems crazy. The good news is that there is more than one way to hire an attorney to handle this for you.
Getting collection debt help by purchasing a prepaid legal business plan makes sense. This gives you the benefits of a collections attorney without the huge fees. Start out with the initial collections letters and calls and that is just for starters. Many of these prepaid legal business plans will include a lot of other benefits too, which is really helpful to small businesses anyway who need help learning how to handle foreclosures and landlord tenant issues or debt collection. Contract review, legal correspondence and consultation, designated consultations, and reduced contingency fees are often included with these plans. They are a great option.
Ask anyone who has ever been through the collections system more than a few times how much they care about owing a little money to someone when it does not threaten their here and now. Most of them simply do not care. It is unfortunate, but hiring a collections attorney independently lets those who owe you know that you are serious and not to be messed with and delayed upon. The name of an attorney often makes a much stronger impression than that of a collection agency or some woman or man on the other end of the line who is often avoided anyway. So whether you go with a plan or an individual attorney, you will find it is much easier than doing it yourself!
Hiring a collections attorney, whether through a plan or directly, will get you much better results than a collection agency. If you choose a prepaid legal business plan, you will get some other benefits as well. Do not delay on getting your money collected from those who owe you. The longer you wait, the harder it can be to get. Whatever you decide to do, take action and move on with building your business.
Source by Debra Lindsey Fortner